The Kaiju Boy


The familiar siren warning rouses everyone at The Pacific Defense Corps outpost 1, stationed in a bunker near the xx waters. Y/n, a light sleeper, swiftly rises like a soldier, immediately waking up her twin brother Jimin. “On your feet, soldier “ she declares, donning the undersuit of her Jaeger gear. Jimin, still half-asleep, complains, " F*ck I had a nice dream."

"We have a duty, baby brother," she says, zipping up her jumpsuit and tying her hair into a tight bun. "I know, and I was only a few seconds late, so that doesn’t warrant you from calling me ‘baby brother’ . We are technically the same age," he grumbles, dragging himself up. Y/n, taking on the role of an alpha-like sister, offers advice, "First, stop dragging your feet, soldier. It makes you look lazy. Second, quit your yapping, and third, stop wasting time. Innocent lives could be taken as we speak." Y/n unlocks the metal bunker door in a precise manner, resembling a vault mechanism.

"How did you get there?" Jimin asks as he rushes to dress in his undersuit attire. "Less talk, more walking, or talk but feet must keep moving. Probably something men cannot do, which is multitasking," she replies, playfully bruising Jimin's pride. Outside the bunker door, soldiers and recruits bustle toward the Jaeger station. "Ouch, sis. Sexist much?" Jimin remarks, placing a hand over his heart dramatically , closing his locker closet, and joining Y/n outside. "Nah, I'm just playing. But it's true, though."

Y/n and Jimin jog swiftly to the Jaeger station. "I can still multitask, though. Juggling Jaeger training, Jaeger fighting kaiju, and... yeah, a girlfriend... unlike you, who is single," Jimin teases. Y/n scrunches her nose in response, saying, "I deserve that insult, but being single is better for now."

Jimin chuckles as the thunderstorm twins, Jaeger pilots, share their inside jokes and playful banter. Arriving at the Jaeger station's central communication room, Chief Namjoon briefs them, "Magma Behemoth, code name Inferno Colossus. Category 4. Heading towards South Korea in T-minus in 1 hour. You are moving now!"

( they named them , technology can detect categories which are generally based on a combination of size, strength, and threat level. Higher-category kaiju are typically larger, more powerful, and present a greater danger to humanity. This classification system helps the Pan Pacific Defense Corps assess the scale of the threat posed by each kaiju and determine the appropriate response, often involving Jaegers to defend against these colossal creatures.)

Time to save the world.

Stormbreaker Striker which is equipped with powerful electromagnetic pulse cannons, designed to disable electronic defences of Kaiju. Its sleek, aerodynamic design allows for agile movements reminiscent of a martial artist. The Jaeger's pilots , known as the Thunderstorm Twins , Y/n & Jimin  synchronise their movements flawlessly. The Stormbreaker Striker is categorised as a Mark VI Jaeger, showcasing advanced technology and combat capabilities.

Magma Behemoth advances with molten rage, Stormbreaker Striker swiftly dodges its seismic tail swipes, showcasing its agile design. The Thunderstorm Twins work in perfect harmony, executing precise strikes with the Jaeger's electromagnetic pulse cannons, attempting to disrupt the kaiju's fiery abilities.

Magma Behemoth retaliates with intense heat beams from its eyes, forcing Stormbreaker Striker to deploy energy shields to absorb the onslaught. The Jaeger counters with a powerful melee sequence, using its martial arts-inspired movements to land precise blows on the kaiju's rugged scales.

The battle becomes a mesmerising dance of technology and primal power, with each side pushing the limits of their abilities. Ultimately, the fate of the city hangs in the balance as the Thunderstorm Twins and their Jaeger strive to overcome the relentless force of Magma Behemoth. 

In the climax of the intense battle, Stormbreaker Striker strategically exploits Magma Behemoth's vulnerability – the molten lava beneath its scales. The Jaeger, utilising its electromagnetic pulse cannons, generates a localised electromagnetic field, destabilising the kaiju's internal magma flow.

As Magma Behemoth weakens and loses control over its fiery abilities, Stormbreaker Striker seizes the opportunity. The Thunderstorm Twins synchronise a powerful finishing move, unleashing a barrage of precise strikes to a specific point on the kaiju's neck, exploiting a critical weakness. This strategic assault disables Magma Behemoth, causing it to collapse, defeated. But not entirely dead.

The city is saved but not exactly yet ,they face a dual threat this time, the dynamics of the battle become even more complex. The Thunderstorm Twins must navigate the coordinated attacks of both Magma Behemoth who have aroused , healed , back from the dead  by Inferno Temptress (mate), who complement each other's abilities. The fiery duo challenges the Jaeger with a combination of brute force and mesmerising, strategic manoeuvres.

The climax of the battle requires the Thunderstorm Twins to adapt quickly, exploiting the unique connection between the kaiju pair. Stormbreaker Striker's pilots must outsmart the symbiotic duo, finding a way to disrupt their coordinated attacks and capitalise on the inherent vulnerabilities within their partnership. The city's fate hangs in the balance again as the epic clash unfolds. 

Y/n and Jimin piloted with all they got. Bearing some scars of the intense battle. They are taking a lot of punches here. This isn’t doing good. They are losing. But they are not giving up , thousands of lives are at stake here.

As Stormbreaker Striker finds itself on the brink of defeat, a seismic shift occurs. Emerging from the depths of the ocean comes a benevolent kaiju known as Abyssal Seraph.This majestic creature, adorned with bioluminescent patterns, possesses the ability to manipulate water and control the tides.

He is a captivating hybrid, embodying both serpentine grace and powerful terrestrial presence. It has a sinuous, serpent-like body with iridescent scales, but it also possesses strong, webbed legs that allow it to move gracefully both underwater and on land.

The chief Namjoon,from the central communication centre , informs pilots of Stormbreaker striker “Abyssal Seraph. Code Name: Tidal Serpent. Category?? we don’t know might be category 3 “

Abyssal Seraph's legs end in clawed feet, giving it a regal and imposing stance when it emerges from the ocean depths. Its overall design is a mesmerising blend of aquatic elegance and terrestrial strength, making it a truly unique and formidable ally in the battle against Magma Behemoth and Inferno Temptress.

Abyssal Seraph, recognizing the threat posed by Magma Behemoth and Inferno Temptress, joins the battle on the side of humanity. Its aquatic powers counteract the fiery onslaught, creating a dynamic three-way struggle. The Thunderstorm Twins, inspired by this unexpected ally, synchronise their efforts with Abyssal to turn the tide of the battle.

The alliance of Stormbreaker Striker and Abyssal Seraph showcases the balance between technology and nature, illustrating how even in the face of overwhelming odds, cooperation and unity can prevail. Together, they overcome the fiery adversaries and secure the safety of the city.

They emerge as heroes, thunderstorm twins having mastered the art of piloting the Jaeger against the formidable Magma Behemoth & Inferno Temptress. No without help from …a new friend of course.

“I guess, it's category 2. Not a threat to humans. Allies like King Kong & Godzilla '' the command centre notified. 

Abyssal Seraph, the serpent kaiju, undergoes a mesmerising transformation. His scales glow, and he morphs into a human boy with unique features. After the battle subsides, he stands before the Thunderstorm Twins Jaeger Stormbreaker Striker, Y/n and Jimin, as a fully human figure. The remnants of his kaiju essence linger, revealing the extraordinary power within him. The encounter with the twins in his human form marks a moment of connection amid the aftermath of the chaotic clash.

“Holy smokes , it's a kaiju boy..human man..boy-” Y/n shouts in stuttering excitement in the Jaeger from up above, seeing a kaiju shrinking into a human through the Jaeger eyes.  “Damn ,I haven't seen her excited this much…” Jimin comments up & down while still locked on with the Jaeger connections ,wires . He hasn't seen Y/n this thrill ,not ever since their first neural handshake & first kaiju fight. He must be seeing things or dreaming. A man made him that way…not just any man…but a kaiju man/boy. 

They step out from the Jaeger and meet the man that helps them save the world together ( which makes Y/n in an awestruck by his ethereal & glorious presence ). He starts telling them stories. Introducing himself as Abyssal Seraph , king of the sea aka Jungkook ,his human name. Jungkook was once a young scientist who became part of a secret experiment conducted by malicious individuals aiming to exploit kaiju abilities for their own gain.

Jungkook's transformation into Abyssal Seraph was an unintended consequence of the experiment. In human form, he retains remnants of her kaiju abilities, such as a connection to water ,heightened senses & scales /tough torso. He is just recently able to completely shift into human exterior skin 

( can switch back  his serpentine nature even in human size & form). Discovering the true intentions of those who exploited him, Jungkook rebels against them and proposes to allies with Stormbreaker Striker and the Thunderstorm Twins again to thwart the malicious plot.

They win, yet again.

In the quiet refuge of Y/n's personal bunker, the atmosphere is charged with a mix of relief and lingering tension from the battles they've faced. Soft ambient lighting accentuates the space, casting a warm glow as Jeon Jungkook and Y/n find themselves drawn to each other.

Their eyes lock, conveying unspoken understanding and shared experiences. The air is filled with a palpable sense of longing and affection. In a moment of unspoken agreement, Jungkook gently cups Y/n's face with his hands, his touch tender yet confident. Y/n reciprocates, her fingers intertwining with his.

As they share a kiss that transcends the ordinary, an electrifying surge of Jungkook's kaiju power gently envelops them. It's as if the essence of the ocean, intertwined with his very being, responds to the intimacy of the moment.

The ambient glow intensifies, casting a soft, iridescent light that dances in tune with the rhythm of their shared breaths. The room seems to echo with the soothing whispers of underwater currents, creating an atmosphere of pure enchantment. Jungkook's fingertips, still cradling Y/n's face, carry the subtle caress of a tidal breeze.

Their connection deepens beyond the physical, the fusion of kaiju energy and human emotion creating an otherworldly embrace. The kiss becomes a conduit for their shared experiences, an intimate dance between the ordinary and the extraordinary. In this magical moment, the lines between kaiju and humanity blur, leaving only the undeniable essence of love and connection.

Time seems to slow down. The world outside fades away, leaving an echo of their heartbeat. Their lips meet in a slow, passionate kiss, a culmination of months filled with challenges, victories, and unspoken emotions. The intensity of the kiss reflects not only their love but also the profound connection forged through the trials they've faced together.

“Please , I need you “ a needy request dances on her lips , their tongue continue playing with each other for a while , for a long while. He doesn't taste fishy, he tastes out of the world , just like his scent which exudes of ocean island breeze. “I need you too” Y/n never knew she could fall for another man let alone another creature ,  promising to stay solo , she breaks it once she meets Jungkook, a serpent human man , a kaiju hybrid. “Taste me , serpentine “  she signals to her core , patting her p*ssy , “Of course “ her accent feels so fresh coming out from him , he fishes for her lower region.

Rubbing it in contact with his fingers ,  touching it externally first “Want to be my fish on the chopping board? I gut you inside out..” once he says inside out whispering against her ears ,he slips right in. Gutting all her insides , poking her inner walls here and there.  A sloppy hole. “Wet girl already?” He speaks , spooning Y/n from back & sideways position. Digits crossing her borders. “Not enough yet, down” She demands “Okay , cocky starfish “.

Jungkook the serpentine hybrid leans down , sliding sideways on the bed in the soundproof bunker ,turning her legs , body to face him. He takes a lap on the surface, his safe scale tongue ministering a foreign effect. “Hmm ….go on boy “ Y/n encourages , the kaiju boy tongue obeys in causing more wet destruction down there.  Attacking & sticking fingers in. A dual pleasure. “Two fingers enough for you? "

“I can take more, like in battle “ she admits, confidently. “Strong human , let’s see how much you can handle s*x with my powers “ Jungkook conjures up  his water side, making ball elements floating & wetting her b00bs. “Aaah f*ck more ,..” she whines and demands , the hybrid kaiju half man/ monster makes his tongue wetter, the aquatic touch adds lubrication & stimulations. “Mhmm ..water s*x is the best “

Jungkook the oceanic lad smiles , humming against Y/n p*ssy.  He doesn't feel tired at all which makes him go all out. From eating her out , making her ride him / his aquatic/human d!ck sideways , on top of that to over-stimulate that hole of hers. C*mming seven times(her). Making so many sounds that gladly will not be overheard by a nosy recruit due to soundproof /metal made . He sinks into her like a tragic ship/submarine , on that bed .Filling his slightly watery c*m in her depths till the brim, hitting deep in the sea in so many positions/angles , tiring Y/n as she washes from deep water org*sm. 

To make the next round more aqua thrilling , Jungkook transforms himself from an ordinary shell to summoning his pelagic nature , his serpentine features manifested , scales surrounding his body & face . Water snakes appear from his head & long mermaid-like legs/tail could be seen thriving. Such nature doesn’t rattle her fear infact Y/n finds Jungkook , a stunning creature. 

The king of sea ,plants wet kisses as it hovers magically ,but not for too long as it rests on the bed. So majestic. He proceeds with smothering her with more erotic nature , licking her b00bs , leaving a saltwater aftertaste .He wraps her entire frame with his snake nature while tickling her cl!t with his fishy bioluminescent patterns legs/tails for another peak. Jungkook surges into an iridescent glow , a sign for his kaiju element elevating , purring into contentment . Y/n trembles from his otherworldly quakes ,shifting a seismic change in her . He continues wrecking her wet & hot fervency/p*ssy ,flooding her insides with his currents/c*m .His tidal waves /org*sms/spasms subsides, Y/n calms down from her elevation into a relaxing fashion as she bears the bloodline/origins/ancestry of new subspecies generation/era.

A new dawn is about to bleed as the Jaeger station, witness to their shared struggles , becomes the backdrop for this intimate and emotionally charged moment. Tomorrow , it's a new day.


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