

" Have you ever heard of the legendary bloody mary?" The 17 year old  bob haired high school girl started strong at her introduction,  hooking the audience by her gestures & theatrics. Her pals attentive focus drew to her  , they were huddling , lending each other warmth & covering themselves in blankets from getting cold.

For other reasons they were closer together so they would not be afraid or be alone which was a perfect opportunity & vulnerable setting to be snatched …by the unseen.

There was no inch of gap at all , none , as if they didn't want any space for ... .ghosts to fill in . Filled in with whispers of ghastly utterance , putting twisted thoughts in their head like their own inner demons would take over but in this case the unseen evil entity would harboured you and wreaked havoc. 

They were stronger together , at least  the numbers just convinced them from being isolated one by one. 

Among them , one person always had the itch to look around, her eyes roaming to the four walls , hoping no one was there ,yet they ..were always there. Observing the mortal activities from another realm , the realm of unseen ; as stories continued to develop behind the scenes , her body was there but her eyes wildly searching , feeling that someone or something was watching her. 

The back of her neck hair stood up , goosebumps grazing her entire nape , like someone was breathing down her neck ..yet they weren't there when she looked back. Nothing but the sight of the mundane classroom door , boring chairs and stressed-looking/worn out tables. They need to replace these chairs , these old ones looked ancient. 

"Well the story is simple and the same as everyone has told you. You need to chant bloody mary in front of the bathroom mirror and you would expect to get a glimpse of a vengeful spectre but this isn't about bloody mary or candyman or any western urban legends. It's about our school.." The bob-haired enthusiastic fables grew deeper like midnight , the stars in the sky aligned  and the moon were in creepy full shape , something about it just added more into the air. 

An eerie chill ran down the scared girl's spine, she knocked the feelings off and tried to divert her sights & thoughts to something else , " Do you guys know Hanako-san?" The bob-haired girl went yet again , entertaining her friends like she was in the place of campfire horror stories , just different places. Her eyes bulged dramatically. "No ,no we don't know " the other girls piped away in mixed feelings , a tug at the end of one of their lips and some were straight up afraid.

" Well Hanako san is a Japanese ghost girl who has a black bob-hair cut,

She likes to roam the girls' toilets at night . In order to meet her, you have been really unfortunate… She usually wears a red dress or skirt... While the story varies from school to school, the outcome is usually the same: dying in some gruesome fashion. The legend began making the rounds in the '50s, when World War II was still fresh in the minds of Japanese citizens- 

Some claim that she is the spirit of a girl who was k!lled in an air-raid while playing hide-and-seek. Other sources say she was k!lled by a stranger or even @busive parent in the toilet of the school.Summoning her is as simple as knocking on the third stall of the third-floor girl's bathroom three times and asking, "Hanako-San, are you there?" You may hear her say, "Yes, I am." You may also see a bl00dy hand, or even Hanako-san herself, just before you get dragged to hell for disturbing her."

"Ugh ,that is so scary ! But wait -She is Japanese, shouldn't her ghost be in japan?" One girl among the storyteller friends questioned the whereabouts of the ghost since it was birthed from the land of the rising sun , " Yeah , why does this Hanako nobody have anything to do with us ?..maybe you are he…look at your hair !! hahahahah" the black long haired commented with a snarky tone , a hint of annoyance laced in her utterance and she laughed at the end.

The storyteller's bob-haired girl playfully smacked their head , they exclaimed in pain "Bobby , why you do that?" one of the girls complained , over exaggerating her state when in fact it was just a light infliction. "I like this hairstyle- and you all better mind your words or she will slice your guys mouth without any thought.." the bobby girl gave them a fair advance warning, provoking isn't a good method when it comes to ghosts. 

Ghosts don't like big mouthed and cocky people , they are meant to be treated with respect , a ghost was a human before they became these wandering spirits ,therefore respect is a must. DO NOT PROVOKE BY ANY MEANS. "Did your parents haven't taught you to keep your trap shut if you don't have anything nice to say?.. As I was saying, the reason I mentioned her is because we have our very own Hanako. The original story features a girl while us….is a boy. He lives in the toilets..girls and boys.."

"Really!?" their eyes bawled and sparkled in excitement , one girl meanwhile seemed very out of it . "Hey ,Y/n..if you don't wanna be here. Then go to sleep .. you are k!lling the vibe , crazy " the storyteller named bobby clicked her tongue , eyes rolling to the back, visibly irritated by Y/n presence and even her exterior manner.  Y/n who was looking around like crazy and called crazy nodded and went to sleep , cradling herself in the sleeping bag. 

Tears jerked out and quietly rushed down her cheeks , she sniffed away , trying her best to conceal it , don't feel or else they would come at her. Those …fake mean girls. Why did she even agree to this school night sleepover?. When she knew they would make her life a living hell mentally and physically ?. " His name is  …J something? I don't remember but….he used to be really good at our school. Like the golden boy and prodigy.. he could do sports , arts , sing , dance &…man ,girls were head over heels for him but one day something brutal happened to him. Our school never released his cause of d4ath but rumours said he committed su!cide in the school bathroom ..and if you want to invite him into your life you gotta sing a song he wrote last before he d!ed..the lyrics are...take my hands now ,you are the cause of my .. idk the rest but that was the first strange death in our school.." 

Crap, why now of all time? Why why ? I squeezed my thighs ,my toes moving underneath the comfy sleeping bags, it was ringling & stretching trying to bear the urge.. from taking a piss. It wasn't going away as I felt like my bladder was going to burst out at any second , the chilling coldness biting my bones was an added variable.

Not helping the crazy urge to pee. I zipped the sleeping bag hesitantly, I got out & greeted by the view of everyone sleeping. Unlike me. Seeing as I was the punching bag for people's temper , I didn't see any option of going with somebody to the toilet. Guess ,I would have to go on my own. Despite the …scary stories replaying in the back of my mind.

Heading towards the sliding classroom door , I was met by a complete silence and an empty eerie hallway. Which was so lovely during the day and scary as hell during the night. Mum ,take me home now , I ventured my ways down the halls and at the end of the hall had the student's toilet. Why must everything be at the end of everything?. The journey to get there was…slow. Slow to the point, I felt like I was living in a slow motion film when in fact everything was at a normal speed.  

Reaching the entrance of the girls bathroom , I suddenly wished in my head , praying that I would take a peaceful leak. Call me superstitious or religious or whatever, I just hope God was watching me or whoever up there was protecting me. Somehow. Praying upon the entry , I picked the closest stall I could get and went about my business. While taking a leak, I unconsciously sang a song that couldn't get off my head. Murmuring a d4adly pied piper "Take my hands now ,you are the cause of my euphoria.."  I closed my mouth immediately , eyes popped out of sockets as realisation hit me , I finished whatever I had and bolted to close the door and I saw from the corner of my eye , an apparition. A boy in his teenage years.

I ran as fast as I could ,like the ground was going to fall and I reached the classroom , praying & apologising  meekly to whoever unknown underneath the covers of the sleeping bag.


School had been tough on me , the people mostly , some of them looked at me weirdly and some of them would steal my lunch money ,idk why would they do this. To someone like me , I didn't stand out , I never stand out but why do I get punished for this? Why me?. I asked God a few days ago to protect me from a ghost but has He protected me?. Why was he letting me go through this?. I didn't deserve this. None of this. 

Ghosts could never k!ll people but ... .people. People are cruel. I looked out the window hoping somebody or something out there would ease my state , but nothing. Damn , my bladder again, I got up and went to the toilet but unbeknownst to me ,a few girls had something up their sleeves.

Knowing it was daytime ,I picked the stall and did my call of nature. Afterwards , I went out  and got ambushed by the girls who had been torturing my school days , Bobby's gang. The urban legend lovers. "Why do you gotta stick like a sore thumb ,y/n? Have you got  anything better to do in your life ,huh?"

"Please ..Bobby don't do this-"

"PlEase dOnt Do tHis , even you sound like dy!ng bitch …could you just stay silent !?" Bobby the bob haired cut girl mocked my tone and kicked me in the guts , pressing her feet down my stomach ." Stop ,it h-hurts "

"Good , it's better if it hurts you.. like it hurt me " Bobby continued inflicting pain on me until she pulled me up . Blood at the end of lips. Making my feet straight up & then Bobby pushed me against the wall , locking the door & the other girls who followed along laugh at me "Now, stay and rot here for all eternity "

They…were animals. Even animals are better than them. Bobby , what did I do to her ?. Sh!t , it was getting late. No no I couldn't stay here. Being trapped in a place like this. Dusk approached the school grounds and other places in Korea, it was getting dark and this was the place on earth I wanna be. Cry?. Screaming ? Why wasn't anyone hearing me?. Has everyone left? Maybe. But ,it was too early. " You summoned  me .." as I sat down on the toilet tiles , a tall boy from nowhere approached me.

"I didn't.."

"You sang my song ,it was called Euphoria. It was supposed to be a beautiful song but everything changed. Until I met them"

" Who are you ? Who are them? What are you talking about?"

"Don't trust anyone .."

"I don't"

The mysterious boy went silent then he asked "Would you like to make a deal with me ?. If you choose to accept , I promise you I will be your side forever and from this forward , no one will disturb you anymore..not even those bull!es "

Those bull!es , they tell ghost stories but never once those ghost stories happen to them ,  maybe getting a taste of the unseen and the unknown would be the best revenge served cold. Got a taste of their own medicine ..perhaps.

"Hmm , just say the word and I will make sure how hell is closer to them than they think.. "

"What are the words ? "

"Horroria " I spelled out that and he granted it , suddenly someone could be heard behind the door . Why were they here now? . Jungkook answered in my head , saying he allowed them to hear me after he blocked them from knowing our presence. Some kind of strange cast of illusion"Hey are you okay? all the kids went back home- " I pushed open the door and met with the principal,  what was the principal doing here at night?. Overtime? Why?. Tossing away the thoughts , I hurriedly fetched my bag from the classroom.  A few words echoed in my head as I left the school grounds "I will make sure no one can disturb what is mine.."

Groaning and shaking my head ,I arrived back home by routine commute  of the bus. I decided to forget whatever happened today and just called it a night. At night ,as I was sleeping , I felt a little tug at the end of my leg, grunting at the tug ,I kicked whatever was pulling my leg. Wait , what was pulling my leg?. I uncovered the duvet and a disgusting evil creature tried to mark me.''Get off ..get off !" I screamed so loud that my parents woke up and I looked back ,the …vile looking thing wasn't there. I told my parents a white lie , I told them I saw a spider and they went back to sleep. If I tell them the truth even , they wouldn't believe me.

The toilet lights in my room switched on its own , the door slowly creaked ..further and further …until it was so wide. But no one was there. Who was playing with my heart health tonight?

"Hi ,Y/n" the toilet ghost boy from school greeted me , appearing out of thin air. The greetings were as if part of our daily routine. " Can you not do that..? " I whispered and yelled at him , loud enough  for his ears  and he shook his head " Like appearing out of nowhere, I can't. Kinda defeats the purpose of being a ghost…" He was right. "So ,I forgot to introduce myself , I am jungkook- "

"Jungkook!, who the hell or whatever you are…can you stop bothering me!?"

"I can't seem to stay away, besides you make a deal with me..and a deal is a deal " 

"A deal with the devil it seems " I bluntly said which earned a tension to stay on his forehead "I'm not like them , I am different…. the demon you see is not me..that is something else.."

"Did you scare it away? "

" I try my best ,I would not let anything harm you.." 

"Why are you doing this , Jungkook?"

" To protect you ..from everything"

"You are kinda putting me in a tough spot here , you are only giving me more questions rather than answers.."

"Soon ,you'll learn and we can uncovered the truth about the school "


A few months passed & the bobby's gang hadn't been disturbing me ever since which was really good. I had never been happier these past 7 months, this was the best year I ever had for my entire lifetime in the school. 3 years in high school ,this year was the worst. Bobby, the new transfered girl, teamed up and beat me up. Turns out ,she was mad at me for being much smarter than her. Remember about the part which I said , I did not stand out?. I didn't and will not but …my grades stand out otherwise.

What was I supposed to do? Pretend to fail and act dumb. No way ,and that made Bobby mad ,the horror storyteller. She said horror stories were her escapism and that way she forgot everything that happened back home where her father would be slapped , kicked for not getting good grades. Jungkook helped on that part ,he helped Bobby's father to confess for child @buse as well as Bobby herself to me. She had to go into a disciplinary counsellor which was good. If she doesn't do well , the school might send her to school for delinquents.

Everything had been smooth sailing from here ,but one thing I wasn't able to solve yet. The school. Jungkook told me the principal was the culprit who made a deal with the devil  leading him to a strange d4ath which Jungkook didn't seem to want to share. I didn't know why. He only told me that there wasn't enough concrete evidence,  ghosts aren't exactly a reliable/credible  source of information. So I would need to go traditional/analog from here , photographic evidence it is.

Jungkook said I should be faster with this one but how can I , everytime I tried to capture ,there were always obstacles everywhere. Breaking into the principal's office wasn't a good idea, because like I said, evidence couldn't be used in court. We needed something solid , but…all these investigations were giving me a headache. I wanted to step away from the whole detective thing and just be a normal horny teeenager for once.

I got my needs , why not Jungkook was the same age as me ... .only he had been 17 for 17 years. Not missing the point, he is a ghost ,but can he touch me ? Yes , we had established a connection so he could. Haven't we had…our moments?. That unspeakable sexual tension. The exchangeable  eye contact. The unintentional flirts.

We did it so many times. Jungkook knew despite me being the victim of bully!ng, I had my natural impulses & hormones , he watched me …m*sturbate tho. I found it very..very arousing.

A spectre like him ; so handsome , majestic , enigmatic to observe & take part in every journey of my self love. He had been with me through every moan , every orgasm…every high and he just couldn't get enough. Couldn't stay away but most of all…I wanted his touch. Why hasn't he ?

" Doll , why are u thinking such bad thoughts during class hmm?" he could speak inside my head , we were linked. I smiled as the teacher continued teaching a topic I had revived back home " Why not?"Y/n smirked secretly , the only romance he and I knew about made it all more thrilling and a turn-on. I practically got bolder these past months ,he brought me out of my cocoon. "Should I touch you ?" I almost yelped in class as Jungkook's ghostly hands gently brushed against my thighs. "or should I not?" he retracted , playing tug of war my sex between my legs.

"Please touch me now.." I pleaded. 

" No shame " Jungkook kissed upon my wanton act , slowly trailing around the area of my thighs , making it harder to breathe through his motions. I squirmed having his poltergeist activities progressed much further , pressing on my covered centre. Press by press ,I felt like he had found a button , a moaning button . Struggling to let it out from my voice box /windpipe and from letting the whole world know about it.

"My human is so easy to please " he whispered in my thoughts , lowering my underwear which stopped at my ankle , thankfully the teacher was too indulgent with her teachings , overlooking everything sensually phantom under my classroom table. Not that they could see him from the naked eye but  , I could since I had a connection with him. His phantom digits placed pressure on my bud ,building a suspense touch and stimulation. "..Already wet for a ghost? Needy creature are you?" his tone laughed at the fact of my desperate pussy but I couldn't help these past months , I've developed some type of feeling for him.

Holding to the side of the classroom table from such sensation , Jungkook's spectre index finger entered my front door  , opening my eyes and letting a whole new world into me. "Aah " my mouth opened and I looked beside the window ,not wanting to show much expression to the class or else they would suspect ."Dependent wet p*ssy ,needs my phantom fingers to pleasure her little hole doesn't she? Can't help herself?" I nodded , agreeing and admitting my submissive side. My wishes , I wanted him. 

His lost soul wrecked my fingers  ,losing pleasure in me ,turning me red in the class, continuing non-mercy pace & strokes. Gently being in but out of me at the same time. Attacking my covered bosoms despite everyone watching "Don't be shy human girl ..is not like they can see us ,but ..at the same time you really want the whole class to know her ghost boy is groping her..huh? " The way Jungkook administered pleasure was slowly getting noticed but pleasure didn't stop there."The possible impossible…" he commented over the situation of the class knowing or not knowing.

" No matter…your dependent pussy is going to cum on my fingers ..and I'll make sure of that …because without this ..magical hands. It wouldn't.." He claimed confidently , assaulting my weak spots, whispering every word loud & clear as if he was real. Beside me ,in real life. Not naked to anybody's eye . In an attempt to make me cum ,I struggled to keep my composure and with the other hand , I slipped my underwear up after he made me climax on that damn chair & on his ghost fingers. In the middle class.

The teacher walked to my table , asking "Are you okay , Miss Y/n? You are a bit flushed ?" Jungkook chuckled in my head , I responded , assuring everything was okay "Nothing ,just a bit of stress and hot weather .." Convincing?. The teacher seemed to take it for now. Not convincing at all , for him. Jungkook laughed yet again and at that time , I asked Jungkook in my head , switching to the main motive " Why not let the principal  admit it?" 

" He is protected by it"

"What if I distract the demon?"

" Maybe that could work"

"Jungkook ,please tell me what really happened-" before I could pry open out of Jungkook , a scream could be heard. "It's happening again …". He said , I called for Jungkook and the teacher was agitated and went out to check what all the ruckus was about. Looks like someone found a student dead in the toilet. "Again..he is hungry for it" Jungkook spectre manifested , floating and  speaking as the hall was filled with frightening students, I could see in his eyes  ,it went sad.

"Y/n we need to stop the demon. The demon & the principal are the reason I'm dead. The principal made a deal with the devil to keep the school reputation high. That is why we are one of the best schools in Korea. But in order to reach that level. Every 17 years ,they would sacrifice one of the students. I was…the first one " He explained then continued frantically , like he was scared.

That photographic evidence , forget that. . My plan , I needed to lure the demon.  Jungkook could make the principal confess while I keep the demon occupied. It had worked so far with Bobby and her father.

" I didn't tell you at first because,  if the demon is banished I might be gone and we might not be like this anymore..  " He finally dropped & revealed why he didn't tell me. He wasn't scared of the demon. He was scared of losing me if he will be gone for…real.

THE END ( open ending , readers are free to conclude however they like whether is a bad ending or happy ending. You can think on your own how they defeat the demon - I did insert a way &  whether Jungkook still appear as a ghost or not )  

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