
Author pov

The laptop lid is put down by the female after she finishes editing her latest video, her eyes hurried to the specific post-out note, which is pasted on a picture of the famous urban legend to many & conspiracy to some.

Connecting to a much bigger wall of pictures like a spiderweb of network. An anonymous follower left a tip of someone who they know has connections with the creature which has become the most-viewed content & main attraction of her youtube.

The creature is commonly known as Vampire for people,  this bloodsucker is so hyped that there are countless different fictional interpretations of it in books & even in the movies.

Each vampire is written & portrayed in various ways, one could be deeply unsettling & grotesque that it makes you barf, one could be simply a steamy forbidden love between human & vampire . While others could be comically tragic. 

Which she hates the most. A close-off transparent shelf could be seen in the corner of her room which stores the takes of books & movies on vampires, emphasising her addiction much clearer to the public if they decide to come in the room. 

" Is this tip a good one or just merely a scam?" She questions herself alone in the room while holding to the rip post note that contains a number & an address then to the bed . The bed looks cosy to her every time. It is always calling her to come & lay down. 

 It's 4 in the morning, she thought she wants to sleep on it but once she is fixated on something , especially when it comes to vampires, she couldn't  just let that slip through her mind.

"Maybe I just search for the address online first...." then she pastes back the post note & looks back at her bed , sighing as she switches on her laptop back.

She goes to her youtube channel before deciding to search, she could see the decreasing in viewers & followers according to statistics.She needs new content. Sighing, she slouches on the backrest of her swivel chair & swings to only meet with the view of the moon.

This is always her night/early routine. No sleeptime & endless editing, she can't afford an editor with her subscriber numbers so she needs to cram all the work by one person .  She gets back to her laptop , dragging the swivel chair that faintly marks the room surface & type the designated address. 

The address brings her to a mansion owned by some company ,the residence is in a state that rains much more than other states. Perfect place for..a vampire. Wait , maybe she is just wrong.

The anonymous tip points out that this person has a connection not 'The Vampire' itself. "Ahh you're not a detective,  never mind ..I just get there by bus' ' her curiosity is at its highest peak . Her good & bad side battling whether it is a good idea or not. Her seeking & fixated obsession can't wear or shake off, is who she is. Booking the earliest bus departure she could get, she begins to pack up essentials & decide to buy some stuff before going.

The vampire kit & protection 101. Thank god ,she lives in a city which has a store opening up early that sells superstitious stuff. I'm not superstitious,  I believe in it & people don't….fiction no. Fact yes.

Why do I choose to be ?. Believe it or don't? Is because I love them. Not just that , I think I have seen them when I was a kid. I know , as a kid. Vague & unreliable but I believe in my heart.

They..are real . Vampires are real. I'm gonna prove it ; I know people would call me insane , I'm desperate besides that anyways , viewers equals money & money equals food. I need this. To survive.

Your pov/y/n pov

At 8 pm sharp , I arrived at the bus station of (state name) .. this is far from my state and with my backpack that strap to my back that contains close for 2 nights & 1 day I walk my way to the infested taxi area , hoping to catch one with a last minute budget hotel that I book from an app.

On the other hand , I explain to my followers in my vlog "Took a 6 am bus ride to here.. far from the city. A rural area. Where it rains a lot. Perfect place for Vampire lair if I haven't said so myself.." the explanation continues on as I hitch a taxi . On my way to my accommodation, I got a chance to think & reflect on what I'm doing.

Everyone, like my friends & family, are on the next step of their life. Meanwhile, I am just stuck here chasing some stuff from dreams & nightmares.

The taxi I'm in zooms fast , passing by another car in the opposite lane then I see the outside. Lots of greenery here , a few houses but mostly the houses are next level. Prestige.  Elite. Fancy. Whatever adjective that could be equivalent for the rich.

Reaching my place to stay, I start to gear up for the adventure , monopod & phone camera with the highest quality for the main one. A DSLR camera for quick pics & video  which was given to me by my family for my 21st birthday, I cherish this very much. My dad is supportive of me but my mum thinks otherwise. It's been 4 years since I've been a youtuber.

I 'm definitely not awkward.  The camera is second-hand but still good, serving its purpose. I don't have much money to upgrade so there is no need for that. Youtubers don't get much money , sponsors help a lot. 

Bringing a smaller backpack, I hold on to the bag strap ,puts it in front of my chest to check what I haven't brought. Emergency woman kit. Tech bag. Water bottle. Fan. Extra battery for camera , powerbank , lights , flashlights, the vampire kit & etc.

Even though this isn't my everyday carry, I always come prepared. Taking a cheap car transport via app, I finally arrived at the last destination, the monopod of mine is stretched for better angle & view. Phone camera at the end.

I explain in the vlog "This is the place I'm going. It's a big mansion in such a rural area. Probably this is one of the elite people in this town.. I'm going to call-"

"Boo what r u doing?"  As I'm about to finish what I say in the vlog livestream , a voice of a person scares me from behind. 

I scream, a natural reflex/reaction.

I face him ,the camera captures his cover face with a black mask. He wore black head to toe. Head to shed from sunrays. "I-i'm sorry - I was sent a tip by -" .

"Don't you know this is private property? "His rudeness is lacing in his tone but is relevant because I'm technically trespassing. I stop the life stream,  people comment ,' drama"?' ' scary'  & bunch of stuff.  I mean people can stare freely , some might not be charged for disturbing them but taking pictures of random people's houses isn't a good look.

Sh!t, I thought this could be a successful stake out at first.  Butt ,I'm going to be truthful with him ; this is going to sound real dumb & crazy batshit to explain why I'm here

"I'm sorry ..but I'm y/n , I got this tip that someone who here knows about a vampire " the black mask man looks at me directly,  finally we exchange a brief eye contact. His eyes crease , indicating he's smiling in the back of the mask "You're the youtuber ,hmm?…i'm Harvey ..the one who gives the tip actually" he blurts to sound more convinced , like he is reassuring himself & later on proceeding to a sudden introduction. 

I wanted to shake his hand but he didn't take it. I don't know why but I guess because I seem a bit- too friendly. Friendly sketchy. He is sketchy too.

Tbh. He knows me as a youtuber - but nonetheless why should my mind strain on something small? He invites me inside & offers tea. I refuse the tea politely ,this is a stranger's house so why would I take the tea and I'm in it. This is so stupid.

He takes off his mask, revealing his face. His face seems average.

We advance to talk about the reason I came here. I set the camera , Harvey mentions he doesn't like being filmed so I adjusted the position so his face wouldn't be seen.

Being focused on setting up , I don't see a few people coming in & I turn my back questioning Harvey where they come from and he simply replies "They are friends...I've been waiting for you , y/n love" his voice changes ,he shapeshifts into something different. 

He's no longer Harvey ''who-who are you? " a different individual merge " Not Harvey, he is the guy I drink last. Don't ask where he is. Probably dead. motherfucker trying to break in oh sorry- I'm Jungkook, the vampire who tips you & owner of this house " A vampire owns this mansion!? .I was right. He's real?. They are real. He k!lled someone !? Maybe he didn't?. What the hell is going on!?!? 

I feel my feet are stuck to the ground ,can't move like I'm being hypnotised by his alluring nature  ,I lose space to back away so I shrink myself down. Sliding so down that my head is on the armrest of the soft

"Let me make you an offer , an exchange for the info you want..you need something to do with me". I thought Jungkook was going to bite me ,not that I don't mind-!? pft hah! hah! I'm getting my head into my it sense  and making 'blebs' sound in real life which slaps me into my right mind . He's a vampire.

I even forgot to reach for protection,  the vampire kit bag that is on the sofa beside me in my backpack.

"You're thinking of hurting me huh? " Jungkook speeds up ,throws the vampire kit out of the window from my bag  & switches the camera  I have on to be off , remarking "Not . A. Chance… & even you could- you still can't .." he spins the micro sd that stores data around in his hands

"No evidence' ' Jungkook crushes it with his bare hands, hence displaying his strengths.  His eyes change into red , dark fluid coming like cracks across his under eye area. He knows how cameras definitely work.

A sane person would be terrified ,yes I love vampires but talking about the odds when encountering one isn't looking so bright for me. I'm scared & strangely interested. Excited to be even. "Why do you need such a girl like me? Do you kidnap us & drink our blood for fun? Why me?" I use my every will to look so strong in front of him because I am , I can be .

"Why not? You like vampires & I like humans who like vampires…don't tell me you're afraid? Weren't you praising me in your videos ?" Jungkook leaps on the armrest of one of the sofas he has in his living room , chilling there. Squating & looking down on me.  

Titling his undead head , I answer " Just caught me by surprise, that's all." He crawls near me , I shift until I back away on the other side of the sofa ,the one that had my mini backpack & camera bag. I hold on to it, he pulls my chin

"Hmm, okay then , little kitten" he pats my head , straightens his posture "Let's go , shall we?" Jungkook asks me to get up, leading me outside, which has a door that leads somewhere. 

His freaking landscape is huge, the backyard is 69 ;)  times the size of my apartment.

Nah it's bigger than even my parents house. There are some gargoyle statues with beautiful flowers , looking like a courtyard . Victorian & palace-like. On the way to the door  , I asked Jungkook a question.

There is so much I wanted to know. "So other than that what's your superpower?"

He stops , stares & answers calmly "I'm rich , I can bite you , find you ,read your mind , I'm strong ,  fast;) …and I don't sparkle in the sunlight like in twilight. I don't need a dayring to protect me.. my weakness, pretty same like in movies but is not that easy to tackle me down or even k!ll me..".

That answers all of  my loud mind since he can read it. Oh yes !.  No wonder he wouldn't shake hands, vampire bodies are cold cuz they are dead. Brings to live by a bite. Puncture to any part of the body. He mustn't want me to figure it out early..

Going down the stairs of the underground through the door , my eyes are met with a view of an enormous ring slash /theatre like stage.

Wtf is this place? . Jungkook brings me backstage , dressing room & even a large practice room with a bed for guests(?). He brings me to a seat in the theatre & finally lay out  about real vampire business,  he cues with his hands to his staff/workers. People behind the curtains bring it in ,  a set of knives & sex toys.

 "What is the meaning of this?" 

" The Vampire games , which people & vampire alike attend to watch a competition where vampires drink human blood , humans satisfy their blood kink & have sex if they want ..those who perform the best get paid.Those who don't lose...  People even place bets for fun. This is the richest vampire entertainment here..."

"And that's my concern & business because it not like i'm going to be the part of game-"

"You are ,then where your part comes"

Day 2 

So far ,the viewers for this particular trip are doing immensely well. I feel bad to turn down Jungkook's offer. He needs a replacement for his vampire game since the previous human who he's with is sick, she quits & says I would be a perfect fit. He even says he's open to going beyond if I allow it , I'm getting paid as well alongside that.

His games sure are brutal & rough but he's not the kind to do without a thing without an invite. I'm sure ,in a weird way of showing consent. Harvey, is none of my worries. Most of his vampires seem healthy & intact. He did tell most of the humans who signed up for the games , agree to do this competition. There is risk but he says there are healers in case it goes sideways. Jungkook even said they have a system like bl00drive concept where humans donate blood. In exchange for money.

Taking this offer , I text Jungkook & arrive at his mansion who inquired for me to wear the backup stage outfit.

A backup one for practice. He also  brings a couple of his friends , male & female vampires, to the underground theatre for a second -hand opinion.

Gosh , the lord vampire Jungkook demands an audience kinda arouses me, I always have a kink with these undead bl00dthirst & exhibitiosm.

Fantasising a real life vampire to fvck me in front of the people. "Your mind is really loud , little kitten ..don't make me fvck you right here ! he hovers behind my back ,whispering beside my ear right now! " his whispers fan & turns me on.

Tucking a hair behind my ear shell. God I forgot he could hear me. Slapping myself mentally ,I prepare to lay myself on the recline bed.

The s'x toys & knife have arrived in a pushing tray & trolley rack. I have talked with Jungkook to pick a gentle one first , this is my first practice  day so yes. I'm not a virgin but I'm new to the blood kink. Surrounded by vampires, I think I should learn what they do for fun from all aspects.

He asks if he can take off my pants so he does , exposing my underwear to him. He bought these lingerie sets, kinda itches. Pain is beauty I guess .

I know this person is a total stranger , not so feminist of me & this freakin straight up psychopath but I'm not normal to begin with. I have been chasing vampires my whole life, you know, it's like chasing a ghost.

Nothing for you to chase until now. I want to experience one in front of me. Jk leans down , "Gentle isn't in my bl00d but I try for you " he spins the adjustable height bed with rollers ,then he locks it in place so it doesn't glide around. This position shows a bit of exposure to the viewers, he goes on my side . Giving neck kisses. 

His kisses are both wet & slightly cold , but his skin is much colder which touches my skin when we bump, I naturally trail my hands to his neck.

Gripping as he nibbles on my weak spots, neck kisses are one of my weaknesses. "Hmm she likes that…such warm bl00ded body against my tongue" he hums reading my mind, staring at me who's making faces as his lips come in contact with my neck again, nibbling the flesh repeatedly.

He knows humans ,female humans mean when they say keep going means the same . Not switch. But he doesn't need a verbal response ,he can read me without it. 

"Go ,jungkook! " a goofy voice breaks Jungkook's focus & my clouded mind. I was into it. "bro , keep it down" he scolds him, shaking his head.

He continues on with the practice with me "The spectators would want more exposure okay ,y/n but we start with something really simple first…,this is practice " I allow ,he takes off my underwear , revealing my core to him.

"That's a p*ssy worth worshipping  & ruining to…" he licks his fingers then rubs my slit ,going up & down . I sigh ,humming as he rubs more to stimulate that area. Going over and over , he takes his finger again wetting it with his saliva & I hold onto anything I could from this bed. 

His hungry eyes , his famish red eyes & his lips ready to devour me. He goes in between my legs & licks a stripe one time. Then ,he takes it fast. Licking me over and over. Repeating the processing , eating me out for the first gentle action, he lifts up his head.

His eyes are filled with such lust , intensely staring back with such energy that I feel drained by bl00d when he is just looking. A look that brings you on your knees. 

His swollen lips , collect slicks of me  "Only eating , imagine I'm drinking your blood how would you look …" This ..man. Manbeing.

My mind simps. 'Sir , you can puncture my wrist with your fangs & drain my bl00d until it satisfies you ,in fact I would gladly donate my blood to you every week:?' . Crawling he response

" I couldn't ,you'll be dead and i have nothing more to taste .." he says being on top of me as he trails from my neck to my clothed b00b. "You two should get a room & drink each other off-"

Growling , "No comments now!! just sit there, watch us & fvck yourself if you want too! " A flash of his nature comes across my eyes , as he steady himself on me,shouting to the roof over his vampire friends' behaviour. This underground theatre is soundproof so he could scream for all he wants too.

He comes back to me , softening his eyes & features going back to its origins. "Sorry about my friend but let's continue back.." Jungkook wastes no time in taking my shirt off , leaving me completely naked to his mercy, he's so turned on down there. There's a bulge & he could see what I am looking at. "Don't look at that. Look at me"

I look at him going down to my br*ast then going down to my p*ssy again, fingering for the second time and still I couldn't c'm. He hops down from the bed, taking his shirt off then . Showing the muscles that he works for. He struts to take one of the vibrators from the tray  & puts in me. Both in an*l & my v*gina.

The entry stretches me , pocketing the device in. "You sure you can take it, I can stretch you out more.." I'm okay there but having both at once is new. Nodding ,he proceeds to turn it at the normal speed. 

"Aah f*ck " I feel like pulling apart now , settling the remote in his pocket.

He crawls back to kiss me , to attack my b00bs. He kneads on it & roughly licks the n*pple with his tongue. Sneaking his hands, he switches the vibrator to average speed looking at the button, making my inside sloppy & wetter than ever.

"Mhm , f*ck! .." I grip onto him & grab whatever part of the bed that I could. Then , he turns to the highest speed & cuts my skin with his fangs on the b00bs. Making a few drops on it , he  smears & massages my boob with my own bl00d.

Tasting it , sucking my finger " Your blood tastes good like your p*ssy.. so addictive of you, can't wait to bite you & drink it like my own wine…"

He kneads & kneads my b00bs, then says as he is on top of me

"My d!ck will be in you soon , vampire lover "  He winks , stops the vibrator & takes it off me which gathers some wetness.

"Practice day 1 complete. Your info for day 1 about vampires is on my desk.." I nod & he adds as I try to look pretty decent

"Your room is ready , you're gonna stay awhile with me, vampire princess " He smirks , licking my blood off his finger later to approach his friends for opinions which are jerking off to the two of you.

They panicked, fixing themselves.  Jungkook smirks, looking at me when he is talking with them.

From Jk point of view 
A friend that is decent questions him "When are you going to tell her that you are addicted to her? That you have been her fan & you have watch her since little"

"Soon,on the games.. because she knows she is addicted to me but not when she was a kid. No fun telling her now.." casually he confesses , licking what's left by Y/n , my favourite vampire enthusiast youtuber  & the ones I've stalked are on my fingers.

THE END ( imagine the rest :) )

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